Greetings all, we hope this far-reaching circular finds you well and continues to be the highlight of your inbox. This week in Oysterland was fashionable on the feet and skillful in the hands, so let’s dive into another famous week on the Reef.
It was one of our last away games of the season and Oysters were challenged to arrive dressed to impress as we undertook our very own edition of OYSTERS FITS. For those uninitiated to a tradition found in sports of the American persuasion, it’s a true treat to watch athletes arrive on game day wearing their Sunday best. Think furs, polished shoes and handbags that are worth more than our entire Oysters drinking kitty…

And so inspired by the luxury threads of our favourite stars in the NBA and NFL, the Oyster boys flooded the St Vinnies stores of Paddington, Double Bay and even Paddy’s Markets, to source luxury fits fit for a King. And buoy, did they deliver. Our 1pm lift off at the Dudley Hotel resembled a Milan Fashion Week catwalk, as Oysters strutted towards the bus in attire more suitable to a Mosman housewife. There was Sam Woody making an appearance in the most breezy pair of linen harem pants that could be used as the sails on a catamaran on the Amalfi coast! Closely followed, the arrival of a Gang of Youths rocking up dripping in Italian Fendi street wear, so ferocious in nature one would think they had walked straight from Liverpool station. Tom Mencinsky decided it was a good day to forget his t-shirt and treat the local Paddington mothers to the sight of his chiseled chest of granite (I counted no less than 8 chest hairs, please see Harri Greville for a few more pints of Guinness to get them growing dear Tommy!). Our fabled Coach Wiv hit the jackpot in a shirt speckled with Pokie machine fabrics, but of course our crafty flyhalf Roy Harrison won Oyster Fit of the Day, arriving in thick white furs that would make PETA launch an investigation! Don’t fear my Circular vegetarians, no animals were harmed in the acquiring of any attire this week…
Exhibit B: The Oysters newest recruit M.Peyches looking for a space on the wing. Allez Mael
So looking hot to trot, we boarded our second last bus of the year, ready for a red carpet arrival in Chatswood. And wow, weren’t we treated to a reception! Rounds of applause and strange looks from some, as 28 of the most elegantly dressed gentleman arrived at Beauchamp Park for the game they play in heaven. Blue skies and fields of golden grass welcomed our arrival, which seemed a little slower this week, thanks to the most meticulsouly orchestrated video of the Oyster boys stepping off the bus. See our Instagram for more details!
Well Well Well, We’reeeeee back.
After a month of not a lot of oysters in action, it was great to have a game against Chatswood locked in to see the oysters run out to ply their trade. The month off didn’t help the oysters continuity, it took the team some time to really find their grove and this was in the shape of a bustling Nick Stubbs, a notorious hard ball runner, he managed to bust the line and go over for the first try. This spurred the oysters into action with some hard direct running by James Rickard, Nick Clifton and our newest debutant, Mael Peyches.
Exhbit C: Winger J. Read finding space from a counter attack
As the first half went on, the oysters had some dominant runs and a spectacular second rowers try, where Nick Clifton made a barnstorming fifty meter run and as he was closing in on the try line and the realisation of getting off the end of season nudie run, he was tackled from behind and to his surprise, his second row partner, James Rickard was there in support and was delivered perfectly to dive over from a meter out and proudly proclaimed that he had achieved the goal of getting off the nudie run himself. Well done lads.
The Oysters stepped up the intensity and from the start of the second half, Angus McClelland made a nice break after what was some quality play from the hole team, with “skip” being the beneficiary of a lot of great structure with a neat pass from Sam Wood to put Angus away. As the game continued to play out, Mael Peyches was steaming down the side line to grab his second try on debut and saw some great spirit by the Chatswood side to apply ongoing pressure to the oysters scoring the last try to end the game that was played in incredibly great spirit.

A massive shoutout to Chatswood for hosting us for the day, incredible hospitality and we enjoyed catching up post game at the clubhouse.
Onto next week against Canterbury.
Post Game Wrap
This week it seems the Oysters set a new team record for time spent in the dressing shed showers, such was the keenness to don our famous Oyster fits and get stuck into post game celebrations. From jogging off the field to getting into the sheds to joining Chatswood on their clubhouse verandah, no sooner could you say FUR COAT the Oysters were dressed ready for for a refreshment. After a few tins with our Chatswood counterparts and a boat race won (and lost) thanks to a lineup of Irish Tommy and the French recruit Maél, the Oysters were back on board the bus to party town. With esky open and JBL speaker on full blast, it was time for Beach Clubs, Neds and Tooheys all soundtracked by the Oysters classic playlist of hottest hits. However no song was sung prouder than "La Marseillaise", the national anthem of France, which was cheered on with glee as the Oysters let Maél sing with his head held high and two tries in his back pocket. The bus was rowdy, raucous affair, as it took us deep into the heart of the city, for a night at Cheers!, Sydney’s premier 24/7 sports bar.
Exhibit E: Centre S.Wood finding a weak shoulder to break the Chatswood line
Now the Oysters know their way around a Gilbert Rugby ball, and many are familiar with the soft curves of a Steeden, but a ball of a different kind appeared to be the currency at dear Cheers. Soccer! EPL! Football! On every screen the world game was played, and one look into the sea of red shirts told us tonight was special, as fans of Liverpool football club packed the venue shoulder to shoulder, ready for a midnight game of futsal. The Oysters every adaptable and willing to cheer any game played on soft grass with beers close by, joined in on the action and decided for one night only we’d keep our eyes glued to a sport which doesn’t allow tackling of the shoulder kind. A strange and quirky sport, but we are a strange and quirky club!
Exhibit F: Flyhalf R.Harrison with the offload to setup centre J.Manns in the corner
Up Next
13/8 - Canterbury Away
20/8 - BYE
27/8 - Semi Final. Location TBA. Opposition TBA
Thanks again to our fantastic sponsors